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ITMC Systems

Customer Support Service

At first glance, customer service and customer support seem similar. Both fields involve helping customers. They use similar tools like email, chat and phone to communicate. They employ similar skills like active listening and empathy to increase customer satisfaction. Both customer service and customer support teams are critical to the customer experience delivered by businesses.

While both focus on helping customers, the difference between customer service and customer support is that customer support is a specific type of customer service involving other skills such as documentation, product feedback, and technical problem solving.

  • Global Support Strategy Development
  • Global Support Delivery
  • Support Sales and Systems Implementation
  • Customer query & Complaint resolution
  • Technical Help desk
  • Billing Desk
  • Collections Services

Frontline Support

We’re true ITMC when it comes to slicing through inbound issues from your customer base. We’ll utilize your existing documentation or knowledge base to create a complete onboarding guide for your Ninja team. Our goal is to solve as many issues and questions that your customers have about your product or service in the shortest amount of time. Any serious issues or bugs will be immediately escalated to the appropriate team.

Customer Upselling

A Ninja is always observant of his or her surroundings. Your ITMC will listen to how your users are utilizing your app and offer benefits and discounts such as early upgrades to those that are reaching plan limits and likely to convert.

That support call just turned into an increase in service for the customer and an increase in revenue for you.



Integrate support chat into your app or website and provide an instantaneous on-boarding session for new users. Be prepared for a much higher adoption rate.


Believe it or not, email is still the most popular method of problem resolution. Whether you work with Zendesk or your own email system, we can manage it.


A scalable call center puts your customers in touch with live people on demand. For good measure, we’ll throw in a full quality assurance team too.

Key Benefits of the Service

If you are looking for Web Application Development, Custom Software Development, E-Commerce Website Development, CMS Portal Development, please feel free to contact us for your requirements. We are ready to help you!

  • Develop new ideas and market them
  • Build leadership and management skills
  • Improve manufacturing processes
  • Build a business strategy and plan
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